Wake Up With Jamie
Wake Up With Jamie
Ep. 14 - I'm excited! My guest this week is Johnny FD from the Travel Like A Boss Podcast. Johnny has been one of my Mentors for about 5 years now. I've learned a ton listening to his Podcast. We talk about being a Digital Nomad, different ways of traveli
I was so excited to have Johnny FD on my podcast.
Johnny is currently in Sri Lanka in Quarantine and recently had his first day of freedom.
I was listing to his Podcast 'Travel Like A Boss' for about 5 years, he motivated me to take action on so many things including online business and to travel, I was encouraged to leave Australia and move to Colombia and leverage the dollar and experience new countries and cultures. Since leaving home I've been travelling for the last 3 years. I was motivated to do my Podcast, Johnny has made a big impact on my life and I am so grateful to have him on my Podcast!
We speak about a range of different topics including being a Digital Nomad, Russia, Ukraine, different ways of travelling, online businesses, different countries & cultures, taking action, speaking different languages goals and COVID19.
You can follow Johnny FD on these channels below:
Instagram @johnnyfdk/
Podcast Travel Like A Boss
Blog www.johnnyfd.com
Feel free to buy me a coffee here ☕️ to support my Podcast and get a shoutout on the podcast for your amazing support!
If you don't have me on Insta, you can follow me here @wakeupwithjamie
Also if you haven't already, feel free to click here & give the podcast 5 stars on iTunes and subscribe pretty please.